What Google’s Auto Edits To Business Attributes Mean For You


Oct 20, 2023

What are Google Attributes?

You may have heard that managing Google Attributes can be a simple way to increase your business's chance of showing up in searches relevant to your business, such as "hotels near me with a pool". Google Attributes provide helpful context to Search Engines like Google and your customers about important business information. The attributes available to your business vary depending on your business category and region, and they can include information that ranges from accessibility accommodations to service options.

What changed?

There are increasing reports of Google automatically editing certain business attributes within Google Business Profile. Typically these edits are logical suggestions such as indicating Cash Only when no payment options are specified or indicating Not COVID-19 Testing Center when unspecified. Overall, this latest round of changes is pretty harmless to the average business — but keeping tabs on the accuracy of your Google attributes is still best practice.

How to stay on top of this change

To see if Google has made any updates to your attributes:

  1. Log into Google Business Profile

  2. Select your listing

  3. Click 'Edit profile'

  4. Scroll down through your profile information. Google updates will be highlighted in Blue, with a callout banner above the suggestions.

When managing tens or thousands of Listings, logging into each Google Listing to check for Google edits can be difficult and time-consuming. This is why Yext has made it easy for you to manage all of your listings at scale, directly within the Platform. To make sure you stay on top of all the latest Google edits, Yext also allows you to set up notifications on all updates that Google makes to your Listings as well as approve or reject these edits, directly through the Yext platform.

Click here to learn more.

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