For Yext And Cirrantic, Supercharged Success With Targeted Joint Marketing

Within the Yext Partner Network, our collaboration with Cirrantic has delivered exceptional results.

Ira Simon

Dec 7, 2023


In digital marketing, strategic partnerships are proving to be the driving force behind success. In this spotlight feature, Yext explores a marketing collaboration with Cirrantic GmbH, a Germany-based Yext Referral Partner specializing in the electric vehicle (EV) charging market. This partnership is a powerful example of how targeted joint marketing can accelerate mutual revenue and customer success.

Together, we've identified a powerful use case for our solutions, engaged in marketing that achieved remarkable results, empowered joint customers to manage their digital presence to grow their business, and have set a precedent for the power of co-marketing.

The power of collaboration

Cirrantic has the expertise and technology to aggregate data from EV charging providers across Europe. They seamlessly integrate information including chargepoint locations, availability, cost, and output into in-car navigation systems for contracted EV automobile manufacturers. Recognizing that EV drivers often lean on a suite of different digital tools to plan their trips and pinpoint swift recharging solutions while on the go, Cirrantic's chargepoint providers needed to extend their data beyond select in-car systems. To do this, Cirrantic strategically partnered with Yext to help their customers harness the power of maps, voice assistants, search engines, and local directories into productive marketing methods.

The result? A powerful collaboration that showcases the strength of two industry leaders working in tandem.

A strategic joint marketing event targeted for success

To maximize this opportunity, Yext Partner Marketing collaborated with Cirrantic to produce a joint virtual event under the theme "Driving Traffic: Accelerate EV Charging Revenue Across Every Digital Touchpoint." Yext managed the event content, speakers, and infrastructure, and provided Cirrantic with assets and plans to acquire a well-qualified audience, primarily from their base of chargepoint operators. Cirrantic executed audience acquisition marketing and provided subject matter experts. The event focused on addressing the listings, location data, and digital marketing challenges faced by chargepoint providers. Together we showcased how Yext can support the goal of chargepoint providers and retailers to seamlessly connect with more EV drivers by ensuring they find accurate, up-to-date information about their business wherever they are searching.

New lead flow process: provides incentive and simplifies revenue for Yext partners

In conjunction with the joint event, we introduced a new co-marketing lead flow process for Yext Partners. All event registrants and attendees resulting from Cirrantic's data and marketing efforts are tracked and automatically credited as referral opportunities. When we close a deal as a result, the partner is paid a referral commission. This innovative process provides a powerful incentive for Yext partners to seamlessly engage in similar joint-marketing activities.

The numbers speak: exemplary conversions

Within the Yext Partner Network, our collaboration with Cirrantic has delivered exceptional results. Together, we've been able to achieve close rates well above industry averages with more than half of the leads acquired via the joint event resulting in new opportunities. This outstanding conversion rate is a testament to the targeted use case, joint marketing, and seamless collaboration between Cirrantic and the Yext teams.

The takeaway: elevating opportunities within the Yext Partner Network

The success of Cirrantic+Yext underscores the importance of targeted co-marketing, offering a blueprint for other partners to engage in similar ways. By aligning goals, leveraging each other's strengths, and creating compelling joint marketing, partners can not only expand their reach, but also drive significant referral and service revenue. As we step into 2024, this collaborative model serves as a beacon for Yext and our partners to seek innovative ways to amplify our collective impact, and showcases how together we can achieve exceptional results by working hand-in-hand in the digital age.

Find out more about how Yext can accelerate your EV business.

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