Automatically convert Location data into what3words addresses
what3words is a global addressing system that provides the simplest way to communicate location. It has divided the world into 3 metre squares and assigned each one a unique address made of just 3 words. It is more accurate than traditional street addressing, and even allows location information to be captured for places without addresses, such as parks or beaches.
The seamless integration between Yext and what3words allows businesses to populate in real-time what3words addresses to their database and use them on listings. With what3words, users can save time in finding their corresponding what3words address for each of their Location entities like retail stores, offices, etc...
Here is a quick peek into the Yext and what3words integration:
- Convert latitude and longitude of the Display address of each Location entity into a what3words address and populate the what3words address field;
- Identify an empty what3words field and populate it in real-time with the corresponding what3words address;
- If the address of any Location entity changes, the what3words address will be updated in real-time;
- The language of the Location entity will define the language of the what3words address;
- Perform bulk updates of the what3words address if multiple addresses are changed.
- To install this application, you'll need a Yext account and a what3words account;
- Navigate to the what3words app in the Yext App Directory;
- Click “Install”;
- You will need to login/sign up to what3words;
- You will be redirected to authorise this application to access to the user’s entities;
- You will be able to go back to your Yext’s entities by clicking “View your entities” button;
- Once successfully installed, the app will be displayed into your account under your apps section.