To find a local business, 97% of users will turn to a search engine like Google. Often, they'll find listings like your Google Business Profile in the local pack. And what they find here matters: your listings receive, on average, 2.7x the views your website does. Because of the visibility they give your brand, your listings are a core component of your local search strategy and geomarketing efforts.
As helpful as local listings are, duplicate listings can be hurtful. Duplicate listings are additional, unmanaged business listings for a single location or individual. They're often created automatically by publishers, or in error. They confuse search engines, dilute visibility in search results, and undermine a brand's reliability for their own digital information.
To rank well in local search, your listings need accurate name, address, and phone (NAP data) across the web. In fact, locations listings with complete core fields on their listings receive 62% more clicks than those that don't. Inconsistency in this information tells search engines that your listing isn't reliable, which can decrease your ranking on the SERP when a user makes a local search. When you have duplicate listings with inconsistent information, search engine crawlers and data aggregator algorithms are confused — and so are customers.