Analytics APIs
Analytics APIs
Create reports and retrieve data using Yext APIs. With Reports API and Logs API, users have access to a wide range of Analytics endpoints that supply both aggregated and event-level data. Use these APIs to extract data for analysis or to embed analytics in the places you need them most.

Reports API
Using the Reports API, you can programmatically extract insights, using either synchronous or asynchronous requests, to create reports for each of your Yext products. With over 80 metrics and 90 dimensions available, the API offers the flexibility to pull in the data you need to evaluate and optimize your AI search experiences.

Logs API
Logs API lets you fetch, filter, and sort a log of all events that were conducted on your Yext experiences. With this API, you are able to create a near real-time feed of event-level data from your Search and Pages experiences which you can embed outside of Yext to get even more value out of the Analytics platform.

Guides & Documentation
It's never been easier for developers to build amazing projects on top of Yext's platform. Guides, learning modules, and documentation are available to help you make the most out of the Analytics APIs.

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