Direct Answers
Direct Answers
A direct answer is a concise result like a phone number, calorie count, or another piece of information that addresses the query's intent. Yext Search is able to surface direct answers by using Yext Content to map the relationships between data instead of just running a simple keyword search.

Field Value Direct Answers
When users are searching for a specific piece of information — say, the phone number for your New York office or the calorie count of a side of fries — they don't want to scour search results to find their answers. That's why Field Value Direct Answers answer users' questions directly from eligible fields in Content, such as a doctor's phone number or a location's address.

Featured Snippets
Featured Snippets extract answers to users' questions from any fields for which Document Search is activated. These Direct Answers come from unstructured data such as blogs, help articles, or people bios. Featured Snippets also have a Prediction Mode setting, which lets you choose whether Featured Snippets need to be validated in Experience Training before being shown to end users.

Dynamic Text Highlighting
In Document Search, it's important to help a user understand how the entity returned relates to their query. Luckily, the Search API is able to provide context for the featured snippets extracted from unstructured documents. Using Dynamic Text Highlighting, Search can return which text from a field in the entity has matched the query under the featured snippet. For example, you may want to surface that your "Awards" field mentioned the "Pulitzer Prize" for queries about Pulitzer Prize winners, even if the "Awards" field is not typically displayed on the card.

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