Directory Manager

Directory Manager helps you programmatically construct a tree of entities and relationships in Yext Content, based on a set of configurable logic. You can use the Directory Manager to quickly generate the entities needed to represent your brand's data model, whether it be for a locations directory website, e-commerce catalog, or healthcare network. Once your directory is constructed, you can easily leverage the data in a website or search frontend experience to supply information about your entities and their relationships with incredible performance.

Quickly Construct Tree of Entities

Directory Manager enables users to rapidly create a tree of relationships to generate entities that represent an enterprise's data model. This can be an e-commerce catalog, a healthcare network, or a location's directory site

Ongoing Directory Maintenance

Directory Manager not only helps you construct a tree of relationships for your entities, it also helps you maintain them. You can seamlessly manage your data in the Directory Manager in Content to make changes directly to your frontend experience.

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