Duplicate Suppression
Duplicate Suppression
In a perfect world, each publisher would only have one single listing per business entity. Duplicates can appear from user contributions, conflicting data sources, changes in company branding, or several other reasons. Duplicate listings can negatively impact your brand in a number of different ways, such as decreasing rank in search result pages, causing consumer confusion, brand frustration, and reducing the reach for the correct listing. Yext helps ensure your brand is providing accurate information everywhere consumers search.

Duplicates Scanning to Find Matches
Yext uses a process called Scanning, which involves searching a publisher for listings that are the exact same, or slightly different, than all of the main listings Yext powers. These potential duplicates are called Matches, which are reviewed to determine if it is actually a duplicate of the main listing. True duplicates are suppressed while false positives are left alone.

Review & Take Action on Duplicates in Platform
Users can review potential duplicate listings directly in the Yext platform by clicking "Suppress" if it is a duplicate or "Not a Duplicate" if it isn't. For example, if a user suppresses a duplicate listing, that information will be sent to the publisher who will review and remove the duplicate.

Submit One-Off Duplicates
If a user identifies an unfound listing that they believe to be a duplicate, they can submit it as a candidate for suppression directly from the Duplicates page. To submit a duplicate for suppression, users will select the entity associated with the duplicate listing, the site where the potential duplicate was found, and the URL of the potential duplicate listing.

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