
Users can set up in-platform and email notifications, which can include things like analytics reports, new reviews, listings updates, alerts for suggested edits to content, and more. Notifications are flexible, and can be leveraged for a variety of different use cases depending on what you want to be sent and communicated to users in the platform, or external stakeholders.

Accurate Access

Users will only have access to the information that they are assigned to within the platform. For example, if you create a notification with a weekly analytics dashboard that gets sent to all users, users with access to one location will only be able to see data in the Analytics dashboard for their single location. This engages users in the platform, while making sure each user is only viewing their relevant information.

Choose Your Audience

Precisely choose who you want to send a notification to. Users always have the option to select themself, all users, specific user roles, or specific internal or external users. Users also have the option to exclude a specific user or user role from that group.

Flexible Frequency

Once a user selects the content of the notification, they will then select how often they would like the notification to be sent. Cadence options include daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or as new entities are added. They will have the option to select the specific day they will want a report to be sent out.

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