New Total Listings Actions Metric
With the new Total Listings Actions metric, you can now consolidate all listings actions – either across all publishers or broken down by specific ones. This provides a more holistic view of all your listings engagements with the flexibility to customize how you filter or dimension this data in Report Builder.
Status Details Title Added to Listings API
We’ve added the Status Details title to the Listings API. Previously, this information was only available in the platform to help categorize the various listings issues. Now, you will be able to see categorical information for each Listings status. This will be live for all API users with the May 15th release using a vparam of 20240515 or later.
Old Google Metrics No Longer Accessible
Last year, Google added new and improved metrics to help you drive and capture more value for your business. In favor of the new metrics, Google deprecated the following old (legacy) metrics:
- Customer Actions
- Google Map Views
- Google Phone Calls
- Google Search Queries
- Google Search Views
To prevent confusion with the new metrics that Google added, the old metrics listed above will be decommissioned in Yext beginning May 15th 2024. This means these metrics will no longer be available in Report Builder, Listings Dashboards, or via API.
- If you are accessing the old metrics in Yext – either in Report Builder or a dashboard – we urge you to create a new report using the updated metrics by May 15th. For assistance, please reference this article for step-by-step instructions on how to create an analytics dashboard.
- If you are using our API to access the old Google metrics, please use this step-by-step guide to migrate to the new Google metrics by May 15th.
For more information on the updates that were made to the Google metrics, including an exact mapping of the new metrics that replaced the old ones, please reference our documentation. As a reminder, Yext has already added support for the new Google metrics as they became available.
Deprecated Facebook Metrics
Facebook deprecated the following metrics:
- Facebook Talking About
- Facebook CTA Clicks
- Facebook Page Views by Age/Gender
- Facebook Checkins by Age/Gender
- Facebook Likes by Age/Gender
As a result, new data will no longer be available for the metrics listed above beginning March 14th, 2024. The ability to view any of these metrics is still available in Yext, but Facebook Page Views, Facebook Checkins, and Facebook Likes will no longer be able to be dimensioned by Age and/or Gender.
As a reminder, new publishers added to the Yext Publisher Network will go live with our upcoming release on May 15th, 2024. Updates to existing publishers will go into effect on April 3rd, 2024. As announced in our previous release, the following publishers will go live on April 3rd, 2024:
- 1182
- Money Mailer
(UPDATED): Apple Maps
- Expanded Locale Support. The following new locales are now supported on Apple Maps:
- ar_BH, ar_DZ, ar_IQ, ar_KW, ar_LY, ar_OM, ar_PS, ar_QA, ar_SA, ar_YE, bi, bn, bs, ca, de_AT, de_CH, dv, el, en_HK, en_IN, en_MY, en_NZ, en_SG, en_ZA, es_BO, es_CO, es_ES, es_GT, es_HN, es_NI, eu, fa, fo, fr_FR, gl, gn, hi, it_CH, kk, lb, mh, mi, mk, mn, mt, my, nl_NL, ny, ps, pt_PT, rw, si, sm, sq, ss, sw, tg, ti, tk, to, uk, ur, uz, vi, zh_Hans_CN, zh_Hans_HK, zh_Hant_HK, zh_Hant_MO.
- Each entity has its own language profile defined by a locale. If your entity has one of the above locales, we will now send it to Apple.
- Expanded Country Support for Service Area Businesses. Bing now supports syncing service area fields for businesses in the following new countries:
- Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Turkey.
- Now, we can send a region, town or city as a service area if your business supports one.
- Relationships Supported With Built-in Fields. Instead of needing to set up a custom field, businesses can now specify department structures on Bing with built-in fields. For businesses that have department structures, this will help reduce the possibility of Bing incorrectly flagging listings as duplicates.
(UPDATED): Trivago
- Hotel Field Support Expansion. Trivago now supports more than 80 new hotel-specific fields, such as if pets are allowed, a pool is available, and more.
- For more details on the new fields supported on Trivago, please visit our Publisher’s page.
(DEPRECATED): With this release, the below publishers will be deprecated from the Yext Publisher Network. This means that we will no longer sync data to these sites, but you will still be able to see historical data in the platform:
- 2FindLocal
- ABLocal
- AmericanTowns
- EZDoctor
- LocalStack
- YellowMoxie
Reviews & User-Generated Content
Updated Review Response Attribution via API
This feature update allows users to prevent review responses from being attributed to a specific Yext user when responding via API. Now, instead of attributing the response to the primary owner of the account, review responses made via API will not show an author or author email address.
Additional Language Support in Review Generation
We’ve added support for our Review Generation features in the following countries:
- Sweden
- Norway
- Denmark
- Finland
This includes translations of our built-in review invitation templates, review collection pages, and email/SMS functionality in these regions.
Exposing External ID in Reviews
In Reviews, the External ID is the ID associated with a Review, created by the publisher. External ID can now be added as a column in the Review Monitoring table, included in filters, notifications, and reviews exports. Users can also create and update the External ID field when managing first party reviews through the API.
Editable Scheduled Posts
You can now edit the content of a scheduled post in the Yext UI.
Sharing content across social platforms requires high attention to detail to ensure it accurately conveys a brand’s intended message. Therefore, it's essential for teams to carefully review and revise their content so that it is as effective as possible when the post is published.
Knowledge Graph (formerly known as Content)
Entity Views
Entity Views allows you to see which listings fields go to a given publisher. Not only does this feature offer more transparency into what data is powering your listings, it also provides visibility into fields that are required or recommended by the publisher, as well as any guidelines to consider while you fill in your content.
Offset Pagination Deprecation
As of May 15th, 2024, Offset Pagination will no longer be supported for our Management APIs. Vparams before this date will continue to support offset pagination, but all vparams after this date must use our cursor pagination method to paginate requests to the Management API. To utilize cursor pagination, users will need to use the `pageToken` param instead of the `offset` param.
Please ensure that API integrations that do not currently use cursor pagination switch to that method, or use a vparam before May 15th until ready to switch.
Search Preview Table
The Connector’s Preview Table now supports searching for a specific row of data, making it easier to view and troubleshoot certain rows when configuring a Connector. You can now:
- Search for a URL in the Preview table of a Crawler Connector
- Specify a specific row index to view in the Preview table of a File Upload or FTP/SFTP Connector
Admin Notification Management
Admin Notification Management allows Account Managers or Full Control Roles to see and edit all notification profiles in the account, not just profiles they created, were a recipient of, or own. When or if a user is deleted, the Account Manager will see “Deleted User” as the Owner or Recipient of the notification profile. This enhancement will allow for self-serve management for account wide notifications and visibility into notifications set up for your account.
Specific Account Scope in Users API
Specific to Yext Resellers: Previously, reseller users could only be designated to all sub-accounts. Now, users can be granted permissions on specific sub-accounts, providing users access to specific territories or geographies that they’re responsible for.
React 18 Support
We have released version 1.5 of our Search UI React library, which includes:
- Support for React 18: Developers can now build Search experiences using the latest version of React.
- An optional onDropdownInputChange prop to FilterSearch: This prop allows developers to set custom behavior when an input changes in the Filter Search Bar (like removing filters from state).
For more information, please reference our documentation.
Conversation Repair:
Yext Chat now recognizes ambiguity in user messages and will proactively ask clarifying questions to keep the conversation on track. For example, if the user writes, “view my status,” the bot could reply, “Are you looking to view the status of a recent order, or the status of a support inquiry?” The result is a more resilient, adaptive, and user-friendly bot that can navigate complex interactions and maintain a seamless conversational flow —ultimately leading to more productive and satisfying user experiences.
HIPAA-Ready Chat & Search
Power all of your healthcare search and chat conversations from a single, HIPAA-ready experience with Yext. Enable users to get the answers they need with a secure, automated chat tool — providing faster support, in a HIPAA-compliant manner.