December '24 Release Notes


We have added a tool to Listings to help users determine whether their listings are bulk verified with Google. Now, you can use Bulk Verification Monitoring to see the following information about your listings:

  • All the Google location groups being synced to from your Yext account
  • The Google Bulk verification status of each location group at any time
  • The primary owner of each location group

Bulk Verification Monitoring works alongside the Bulk Verification Readiness tool, which helps users prepare their account for Google’s bulk verification process.

Bulk Verification Monitoring is available for Enterprise clients. This feature is not available for reseller accounts at this time.

For more on how bulk verification works in Google, see the Bulk Verification for Google Business Profile help article. View the Bulk Verification Monitoring screen by navigating to Account Settings > Google Bulk Verification Status in your Yext account.

We’ve enhanced the Listings duplicate suppression notification system to provide more granular filtering options, enabling you to more efficiently manage duplicate detection. This notification will alert the selected users whenever a potential duplicate is found for one of the listings included in the criteria for the notification. You can set the notification based on individual entities, folders of entities, or entire publishers.

Duplicate suppression notifications are live now — see them in Yext by creating a new Listings notification. Learn more about how to use Listings notifications in the Create Listings Notifications help article.

You can now launch and manage your own listings in Yext from start to finish — from adding your entities to Content, to linking your account with Google, Facebook, and other publishers, to monitoring your listings as they sync.

The new Listings launch flow walks you through the steps of selecting the entities in Yext that you want to launch on Listings, assigning Listings licenses, and connecting and configuring your account with four major publishers (Google, Facebook, Apple, and Yelp).

The new Listings flow is available for all clients. For more on how to launch Listings with the new flow, see the Launch Your Listings in Yext guide.

The All Listings page has been given a lighter, more space-efficient look and feel to bring more transparency to listing accuracy.

  • The hero numbers have been redesigned in an easier-to-read format for metrics at a glance
  • Listing Details has been moved from a separate page to a more efficient pop-out drawer by clicking the Publisher icon on a listing
  • We’ve added an Issue Type filter for more visibility into listings sync issues
  • The More Actions menu has been condensed into a three-dot hamburger icon on the right side of each listing

Also, Field Accuracy has two new statuses:

  • Publisher Limitation Matches: a field that is treated as a match, but formatted differently on a certain publisher (i.e., “New York” vs. “NY”)
  • Excluded: a field that is not included in the data syncing to a certain publisher

You can see the new All Listings page in your Yext account now.


Acompio accepts logos from the Business Logo field (logo).

In the October ‘24 release, we announced that Facebook deprecated metrics and dimensions that impacted Listings and Social reporting.

As of this release, users can no longer view new or historical data for these metrics and dimensions.

Facebook has deprecated the Payment Options field for Facebook Pages. If you have the paymentOptions field filled out for your entities, this information will no longer appear on Facebook.

In the October ‘24 release, we announced that the Google “Business Food Items” metric had been deprecated.

As of this release, users can no longer view new or historical data for this metric.

Google has deprecated the Business_Conversations metric. This metric will no longer be available to review in reporting.

We have updated the logic for how payment methods are sent to Yelp. If a payment method is selected within the Payment Options field (paymentOptions) of an entity then we will only send that selection to Yelp. All other unselected methods will not be sent.

Previously, unselected methods would be sent to the publisher with a value of FALSE to indicate that they were not accepted as payment by the location.

This does not change any payment options historically sent to Yelp.

RatingsMD has been added to the Yext Publisher Network as a blind submission publisher. This means we will send them data, but it is not guaranteed that they will use or display this information to their users.

  • Country Support: US
  • Language Support: en
  • Supported Entity Types: Healthcare Professional, Healthcare Facility

Mapbox has been added to the Yext Publisher Network as a blind submission publisher. This means we will send them data, but it is not guaranteed that they will use or display this information to their users.

  • Country Support: AD, AE, AG, AI, AL, AM, AO, AR, AS, AT, AU, AW, AX, AZ, BA, BB, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH, BI, BJ, BL, BM, BN, BO, BQ, BR, BS, BT, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CD, CF, CG, CH, CI, CK, CL, CM, CO, CR, CV, CW, CY, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, EH, ER, ES, ET, FI, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, GA, GB, GD, GE, GF, GG, GH, GI, GM, GN, GP, GQ, GR, GT, GU, GW, GY, HK, HN, HR, HT, HU, ID, IE, IL, IM, IN, IQ, IS, IT, JE, JM, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KI, KM, KN, KR, KW, KY, KZ, LA, LB, LC, LI, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY, MA, MC, MD, ME, MF, MG, MH, MK, ML, MM, MN, MO, MP, MQ, MR, MS, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NC, NE, NG, NI, NL, NO, NP, NR, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PF, PG, PH, PK, PL, PM, PR, PS, PT, PW, PY, QA, RE, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SB, SC, SE, SG, SH, SI, SJ, SK, SL, SM, SN, SO, SR, SS, ST, SV, SX, SZ, TC, TD, TG, TH, TJ, TL, TM, TN, TO, TR, TT, TV, TW, TZ, UA, UG, US, UY, UZ, VA, VC, VE, VG, VI, VN, VU, WF, WS, XK, YE, YT, ZA, ZM, ZW
  • Language Support: All languages
  • Supported Entity Types: Location, Hotel, Financial Professionals

Reviews & User-Generated Content

We have revamped the functionality and UI of using AI-generated review responses. Previously, users only had one possible action: generate (or regenerate) a response using the instructions in the configuration. We’ve introduced both a query box and one-click actions to modify the AI-generated response, giving you more power to edit and customize what is generated.

When you open a review, a response will automatically be generated using the account-configured instructions. Click the AI-generated response button to find a dropdown of actions: reword, fix spelling and grammar, increase length, decrease length, simplify, translate, or change tone. You can also type instructions in the query box to request custom edits.

Check out the Introduction to Generative Review Response unit to learn more.

Snowflake data is now available to customers for Reviews through Snowflake’s secure data sharing. We are now exposing the ENTITY_REVIEWS and ENTITY_REVIEW_COMMENTS views in the REVIEWS schema. To learn more about data sharing, check out the Data Sharing Overview document.

We have added the ability to schedule when to send review invitations. This can be done via file upload, SFTP, or API. This means that users can create integrations that upload invites immediately following a customer interaction but appear less automated or spammy by delaying the invitation’s send time.

There are two formats to specify when to send them: delay and send time. You can specify delayTime, the amount of time to wait before sending the invitation after the upload is processed, with delayTimeUnit in either hours or days. Alternatively, you can provide a SPECIFIC date and time, using the sendTime parameter, as an ISO formatted date/time value, e.g., 2024-09-04T12:00:00.

To see scheduled invitations, navigate to Reviews > Generation > View Invites and click on the Pending Invites tab. From here, you can view the planned send time or cancel invitations.

Check out the Sending Review Generation Invitations unit to learn more.


We have added the ability to hide comments on social posts. This action will hide the selected comment(s) and any replies from Facebook.

You will be able to hide comments in two ways:

  1. On a single comment by selecting the Hide Comment icon in the top right corner.
  2. In bulk by selecting the checkboxes next to comments and clicking the Hide Comments icon at the bottom of the screen.

You will also be able to unhide comments using the same two methods but instead using the Unhide Comment icon.

We have also added a filter for “Visibility” to allow you to filter comments by whether they are hidden or not hidden.

See the Comments documentation to learn more.

With this release, we are introducing the new Eligibility API. You can use the Eligibility: List endpoint to fetch publisher eligibility for a given set of entities.


We have added the ability to import and export Pages events, making it easy to edit Pages events in bulk. Partners upgrading from a Classic site to a Pages React site can bulk update Pages events by exporting them, making any updates to the CSV file, and then uploading the edited file. To do so, navigate to Analytics > Pages Events and use the buttons to “Export Pages Events as CSV” and “Import Pages Events”.

To learn more about event mapping, check out the Implement Yext Analytics reference doc.

Knowledge Graph (formerly known as Content)

Historically, when querying for entities in the Management API and Live API, filters have been treated as a prefix match. With this release, these queries will now be treated as an exact match.

For example, if an account has a field with the following options:

  • burger
  • burger_deluxe
  • burger_bacon
  • double_burger

With the prefix matching behavior, a query for entities where the option = “burger” (i.e., {"c_optionSingle": {"$eq": "burger"}) would return entities with any of the following options specified:

  • burger
  • burger_deluxe
  • burger_bacon

With the updated exact matching behavior, the same query above would return entities with only the following option specified:

  • burger

This update is behind a v parameter of 20241211. This change is also reflected in the API Changelog.


When creating a connector with the Send to API destination, you can now preview the configuration for individual rows of data before the connector is run.

In the Map to Variables setup step, click the Preview tab to view a table of example run results. On each row, click the code icon (</>) to preview the API Headers and the Request body for that row.

To learn more about how to use the Send to API destination in Connectors, see the Create a Generic Destination Connector guide..


Resellers can customize the navigation bar headers for Content, Analytics, and Social when they white-label the Yext platform. For these headers, resellers can customize these product names to align with their brand and local markets.

See the White-label your Yext Account article to learn more.

When multiple fields have Keyword Search or Document Search algorithms enabled, field-level weighting allows you to assign boosts to fields. Matches on those fields are “worth more” when the algorithm decides which results are the most relevant. For example, an experience might have Keyword Search configured for both the “name” and “description” fields, but we want to prioritize matches on the “name” field.

To assign boosts to fields, add the keywordWeightMultiplier property to the relevant searchable fields with a multiplier greater than 0. You must set relevance as a sort criteria.

Leaving a field blank will result in no boost, which is the same as adding a keywordWeightMultiplier of 1. The higher the multiplier, the stronger the boost to the affected results. We recommend sticking to single-digit values.

For example, for the following vertical, the “color” field has a weight of 3, meaning results with keyword matches on that field will get a 3x boost on their relevance score.

//Example vertical
    "products": {
      "name": "products",
      "source": "YEXT",
      "entityTypes": [
      "searchableFields": {
        "color": {
          "textSearch": true,
          "keywordWeightMultiplier": 3
        "keywords": {
          "textSearch": true,
          "keywordWeightMultiplier": 1
        "name": {
          "textSearch": true
      "sortBys": [
          "type": "RELEVANCE",
          "buckets": []
      "verticalType": "ADVANCED"

See the Searchable Fields section of the Verticals config doc to learn more.

We’ve continued to improve the search log details page to better support debugging search queries. If relevant to the search query, you will now see the following:

  • Field-level weighting for keyword search and document search
  • Full relevance score, including boosts from semantic search matches and phrase matches

To learn more about using the Search Log Details page to debug experiences, check out the Debug the Backend unit.