
The Yext Guide to Apple Business Connect

Learn how to take control of and optimize your Apple listings.

The Yext Guide to Apple Business Connect

With more than 2 billion active iPhone users, the Apple ecosystem is one of the world's most prominent search and navigation platforms. Showing up well on Apple listings is critical for brands.

Enter Apple Business Connect, allowing you to add and manage locations on Apple listings, such as operating hours, attributes, post showcases, and more. With help from the Yext integration, you can unlock all the functionality you need and further optimize your Apple listings.

In this guide, we'll teach you:

  1. How to set up your Apple Business Connect account

  2. The benefits of delegating your Apple Business Connect account to Yext or a third-party partner

  3. How to optimize your Apple listings

  4. Why managing your information throughout the Apple ecosystem with Yext is a winning combination