
The Next Big Thing in Customer Delight

Every day, marketers set out to deliver the perfect ad on the perfect platform at the perfect time. We like to call that personalization, but it’s more like an interruption. In this Yext Talk, Lexi Bohonnon, SVP of Sales Engineering at Yext, discusses how a modern search experience is key to a great customer experience.

Every day, marketers set out to deliver the perfect ad on the perfect platform at the perfect time. We like to call that personalization, but it's more like interruption. Wouldn't it be more productive to talk with customers based on what we know they want, versus talk at them with what we think they want? Find out how you can allocate your ad spend more strategically, and give your customers more of what they really want — all while creating a cohesive customer experience that you control. In this Yext Talk, you'll discover:

  • When and where to suggest content

  • Why personalized ads are often high-cost, low reward

  • How a modern search experience is the key to delivering a best-in-class customer experience

Lexi Bohonnon
EVP, Global Customer Success