
The State of the Industry: What You Need To Know To Be Digital Best in 2021

The digital transformation is happening at warp speed. In this Yext Talk, Marc Ferrentino, Chief Strategy Officer at Yext, dives into the three key trends that the global pandemic is accelerating — and discusses how natural language processing and AI are rapidly changing consumer expectations.

The digital transformation is happening at warp speed -- but are you moving fast enough?

If the global pandemic taught us anything it's that your online business is your most critical asset. But it's not good enough to just check the digital box -- to really thrive during and after COVID, you need to be your digital best.

Find out how technological advances, combined with changes in consumer behavior rapidly accelerated by the unprecedented events of this past year, have altered the state of the industry — and what you can do to stay competitive in 2021 and beyond.

In this Yext Talk, you'll discover:

  • Three key trends that the global pandemic is accelerating

  • How natural language processing and AI are rapidly changing consumer expectations

  • What you'll need in your martech stack to stay competitive in this new landscape

Marc Ferrentino
President & Chief Operating Officer